Version 4.6.6 - Shipped 03 April 2018
Advantages at a glance
- NEW: Support of DuoFern radiator actuator
- NEW: Integration of soon-to-be-available new products:
DuoFern universal dimmer & DuoFern window/door contact. - Text adjustments
- Bugfix: IP address change with simultaneously active WLAN / LAN
Version 4.5.7 - Delivered July 17, 2017
Advantages at a glance
- NEW: Help & FAQ pages in "Advanced Settings" for each actuator & sensor.
- Improvement of texts in web UI
- Bugfix: Display optimization in automatic / manual mode
- Bugfix: Fixing problems with Troll Comfort (light mode) with staircase function
- Bugfix: Display optimization for group details
- Bugfix: Fixing of problems with loading and saving the backup
- Bugfix: Improvement of sending e-mails in case of automation rain ( DuoFern environment sensor)
- Bugfix: Fixing of errors when executing scenes with dawn/dusk (DuoFern environmental sensor)
- Bugfix: Bugfix when logging in via radio code
- Bugfix: Fixing of time change error in combination with dawn/dusk
Version 4.4.9 - Delivered February 1, 2017
Advantages at a glance
- Support of new HomePilot® remote access "WR Connect 2".
- Bugfix: fix various issues in handling Z-Wave
- Bugfix: Fixing of errors with AND-conditions (rain & time)
- Bugfix: Sending of e-mails only happens if the corresponding conditions are fulfilled and the scene is really executed
- Bugfix: Optimization of display in some browsers
- Bugfix: Fixing of faulty display of sliders at DuoFern room thermostat
- Bugfix: elimination of faulty display of scrollbars
- Bugfix: Fixing of several problems with scaling of tiles
- Bugfix: prevention of incorrect approaching of positions with older tubular motor actuators
Version 4.3.6 - Released October 11, 2016
Advantages at a glance
- Bugfix: "Up" and "Down" commands now assume expected target state
- Bugfix: Runtime problems with "Move in 0%" solved
Version 4.3.5 - Shipped October 4, 2016
Advantages at a glance
- New: Support DuoFern Multiple Wall Controller 230V
- New: Support DuoFern Multiple Wall Controller BAT
- New: Use of DuoFern radio transmitter UP as sensor
- Bugfix: Bugfix in the area "Camera
- Bugfix: Deactivation of e-mails in scenes
- Bugfix: Correct evaluation of dawn as event
- Bugfix: Optimization of the layout of the blinds function
- Bugfix: conditions are already evaluated at creation and if necessary marked with a blue check mark
Version 4.2.11 - Delivered July 15, 2016
Advantages at a glance
- Bugfix: Fixed incorrect display of the web UI
Version 4.2.10 - Shipped July 11, 2016
Advantages at a glance
- New: Support DuoFern room thermostat
- Bugfix: Fixed misbehavior in processing of automations (AND conditions)
Version 4.2.9 - Delivered July 4, 2016
Advantages at a glance
- Hostname can be changed
- Static IP addresses can be set
- New: Support HomePilot® HD camera (indoor)
- New: Support HomePilot® HD camera (outdoor)
- New: Blind slat position can be operated directly
- New: Web UI is automatically adjusted to browser size
- Various bug fixes
Version 4.1.10 - Shipped: April 15, 2016
Advantages at a glance
- New: Internal software base changed to new platform
- New: Devices with actuator and sensor functionality divided into two independent elements
- New: Selected sensor events can be evaluated as one-time event or persistent event with start and end
- New: "Stop" function for shutters integrated
- New: Support for new product motion detector
- Operating instructions under /manual adapted
- Evaluations AND function optimized
- Bugfix: Error behavior at evaluation of dawn and dusk in connection with earliest and latest fixed
- Bugfix: Misbehavior when using the "random function" fixed
- Bugfix: Misbehavior at status message of tubular motor actuator 9471-1 fixed
Version - Delivered: June 16, 2014
Advantages at a glance
- NEW: Additional automation for AND linkages: Rain, Temperature, Wind, Smoke
- Bugfix: Email addresses case sensitive
- Bugfix: Multiple sent rain notification
- System optimization and stabilization
Version - Released: May 26, 2014
Advantages at a glance
- NEW: AND link: Two conditions - one reaction!
Version - Shipped: May 5, 2014
Advantages at a glance
- NEW: Support GeoPilot® App: Register smartphone with HomePilot and use it as a sensor.
- NEW: Symbols invertible
- NEW: Additional symbols: e.g. fan, radio and many more.
- NEW: Scenes can be grouped & duplicated: Quickly and easily create scene groups
- NEW: IP camera support: Easy access to image data of the new IP camera via app or user interface
- NEW: Warning messages actuators integrated: HomePilot® user interface and app show obstacle, blockage, light barrier and wicket door statuses
- NEW: Maintenance function: Create a backup file of your HomePilot® now
- Bugfix: emails
Version - Shipped: January 28, 2014
Advantages at a glance
- Bugfix: Location and time
- Bugfix: Email function
Version - Shipped: August 7, 2013
Advantages at a glance
- NEW: Support DuoFern awning monitor
- Bugfix: HomePilot app status update 2-channel universal actuator
- Bugfix: Status update of devices within scenes
- Stability improvement
Version - Released: July 9, 2013
Advantages at a glance
- General optimizations
Version - Shipped: June 20, 2013
Advantages at a glance
- NEW: With the new info icon we inform you about current product topics
- Bugfix: iOS app group update
- Bugfix: Iconset 'Sensor
- Bugfix: Initial status window/door contact
Version - Shipped: May 28, 2013
Advantages at a glance
- Sun position of environmental sensors is displayed as measured value
- Optimization of battery life of heating actuators
- Adjustment of reaction to start / stop of wind, rain and temperature automation
- Adaptation of scenes with new devices
Version - Delivered: May 6, 2013
Advantages at a glance
- NEW: Integration of new products: Radiator actuator, window/door contact and repeater with switching function.
- NEW: Sensor area especially for the measured values of registered sensors with detailed information
- Optimization of the environmental sensor configuration dialog
- no change
- NEW: Thermostats integrated as new device type
- Optimization of the login dialog
- Visualization of the loading process
Version - Released: March 13, 2013
Advantages at a glance
- User manual directly available as PDF on the HomePilot http;//homepilot/manual_en.pdf
Version - Delivered: February 5, 2013
Advantages at a glance
- Support of new devices
- Radio transmitter UP
- Troll Basis DuoFern
Version - Delivered: October 25, 2012
Advantages at a glance
- Bugfixes
- Advanced settings
- Connect actuator
- RolloTron
- Tubular motor RTS
- Advanced settings
Version - Delivered: September 26, 2012
Advantages at a glance
- Integration of environmental sensor (from V3)
Version - Delivered: July 12, 2012
Advantages at a glance
- Simplified operation
- Automatic adjustment of scenes
- Sensors revised
- Support for new generation of Troll and RolloTron devices
- Optimization of DuoFern communication
- Status management revised
- Troubleshooting
- IconSets for switch devices
Version - Delivered: February 3, 2012
Advantages at a glance
- Foreign languages
- English
- Polish
- Dutch
- Spanish
- Turkish
- Compatible with current iPhone app
- Favorites screen customization
- Display of time and IP addresses
- Dimmable icons
- Support Connect actuator
- Bugfixes
Version - Released: October 28th, 2011
Advantages at a glance
- Sensors can be used for automation
- DuoFern controllers can be used for advanced operation
- DuoFern Universal Dimmers can be operated and configured
- Standard scenes are omitted
- Bug fixes
Version - Simply... Home Automation!
With the HomePilot®, RADEMACHER's mobile home automation solution is based on an existing system (WLAN, Internet). The sophisticated bi-directional radio system DuoFern from RADEMACHER, ensures smooth operation.
You can easily control and use your roller shutters, venetian blinds, awnings, lighting and even electrical devices from home or on the road with operating devices such as a smartphone, tablet PC, PC or laptop. Make it easy for yourself!
Advantages at a glance
- Access home automation from anywhere in the world!
- Use proven technology!
- Easy to set up! Connect, log in, get started!
- Intuitive operation!
- No additional costs + free software support!
- Free app for iPhone, iPad & Android devices!
- Expandable at any time